Yass High School

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New Student Portal

From Saturday 2 October

As part of our ongoing effort to streamline and improve the services offered to schools, ITD will be rolling out a new and more robust portal for students.

With the recent shift to online learning, the portal has seen massive growth and challenges with the current platform to meet demand. In addition to needing a more scalable solution, we received feedback from staff and students after the 2019 portal upgrade. The number one student feedback was for more customisation of colours.

Benefits of the new design:

  • new look and feel that’s now more suited to different age groups

  • easier to use – quicker access to resources and simpler content layout

  • customisable colours for junior and middle year students

  • improved performance / load times

  • choose what student essentials and bookmarks will be displayed for your school (coming soon!).

When will this happen?

Saturday 2nd October 2021.

What do I need to do?

Nothing, it will happen automatically. There will be no change to the usual logon process, you will be automatically redirected.

Questions and support

If you have any further questions or would like more information, contact the portals team at ITPortalTeamMembers@det.nsw.edu.au.