Yass High School

We value respect, responsibility, and honesty.

Telephone02 6226 1711



uniform order

Uniform Shop

school registration ID is 25167963
Order Online

Uniform Shop

P&C Uniform shop operates in the old school hall foyer 

Opening Hours

  • Wednesdays: 8:30am - 9:30am
  • Saturdays: 9:00am - 10:30am

and online at www.school24.net.au (school registration ID is 25167963)

Contact us at yhsuniformshop@gmail.com


https://www.facebook.com/yhspandc/ for a direct message of the School ID


All uniform options should be without prominent brand advertising.

Students who represent the school in academic and cultural activities also have the option of wearing the school blazer and tie. This is available on request from the Front Office.

A clothing pool operates and assistance can be provided in cases of hardship. See Front Office if needed.