At Yass High, teachers follow the guidelines for assessment as set out by the Board of Studies.
Assessment for Learning
Assessment that enhances learning recognises that learners use their current understanding to discover, develop and incorporate new skills, knowledge and understanding. Assessment for learning helps teachers and students to know whether that current understanding is a suitable basis for future learning.
Assessment occurs as a regular part of teaching and learning. Teacher instruction and assessment influence student learning and learning processes. This involves using assessment activities to clarify student understanding of concepts, and planning ways to remedy misconceptions and promote deeper understanding.
Assessment for learning encourages self-assessment and peer assessment. Students can develop and use a range of strategies to actively monitor and evaluate their own learning and the learning strategies they use.
The feedback that students receive from completing assessment activities will help teachers and students decide whether they are ready for the next phase of learning or whether they need further learning experiences to consolidate their skills, knowledge and understanding. Teachers consider the effect that assessment and feedback have onstudent motivation and self-esteem, and the importance of the active involvement of students in their own learning.
Assessment of Learning
Teachers decide which aspects of a student's performance to record and report on. These records can be used to monitor the student's progress, determine what to teach next and decide the level of detail to be covered. At key points, such as the end of the year, this information is also available to form a snapshot of the student's performance against levels of achievement. This snapshot can be used to inform the parent, the next teacher and especially the student of where they are up to. Consequently, teachers using their professional judgement in a standards-referenced framework are able to extend the process of assessment for learning into their assessment of learning.
Assessment Tasks at Yass High School
In Stage 5, students will complete assessment tasks set by class teachers and/or across the year tasks set by faculties. These tasks will be used to determine the grades given to students at the end of Year 10. Teachers will use these indicators of student performance to determine a student's level of achievement against state wide standards. Grades for each course studied will be sent to the Board of Studies and a Record of Student Achievement will be sent to the school for each student completing the required number of hours and courses.
The following common guidelines apply:
- Students will be given written notice of tasks, which may be in the form of written responses, research assignments, creative or practical tasks, timed tests, individual and group assignments etc. Students in Year 10 will receive a booklet outlining set tasks in Term 1. Tasks may include an end of year across the year examination which will be held in the hall in Term 4.
- Tasks and expectations will be explained by teachers and students should ask questions and seek help if they are unsure what to do. Tasks will be marked against set standards outlined in documents from the Assessment Resource Centre at the Board of Studies.
- Due dates for tasks will be publicised on the relevant year's Assessment Calendar which can be found on the school webpage.
- Students should submit their work by the due date or face a penalty such as the loss of marks.
- Students should see their teachers before the due date to discuss options if they require an extension for school or personal reasons.
- All tasks should be completed honestly and be the student's own work. Plagiarism or cheating could lead to zero marks being awarded.
- Students with identified learning needs will be given the opportunity to complete alternative tasks appropriate to their needs.
- Students are expected to complete tasks to the best of their ability.
- Unsatisfactory performance may require students to resubmit the tasks or complete another task to indicate that outcomes in the course have been met.
- Parents will be contacted via phone calls or letters home if teachers have concerns about a student's progress. Parents are welcome to contact the school at any time if they wish to discuss their child's progress.