25 Nov 2024

This years Pink Day was a resounding success, bringing together the Yass community and local schools for a fantastic day of fun and fundraising. Starting with breakfast in the quad, the event featured a lively fashion parade, raffle draw, and karaoke, creating a memorable day for everyone involved.
Together with contributions from Berinba, Yass Public, Bowning, Binalong, and Murrumbateman Public Schools, we raised over $14,000! A special shout-out to Xander Vea, who raised over $1,000 and bravely shaved his head, along with the other students who took part in the head-shaving initiative.
A heartfelt thank you to the Yass business houses and the community for their generous donations of prizes and hosting donation tins, and to the families and individuals who supported the cause. We are also deeply grateful to our students for their dedication over the past weeks in preparing for this day, and to Miss Bills for her outstanding leadership in running yet another successful Pink Day.
Thank you all for your incredible support!
See more pictures in our newsletter